YouTube Will Remove Your Comments And So Will I

December 16, 2022

Merch Messages

Hint: Use CTRL + F to search messages in this show, or go back to search merch messages in all shows.
Name Type Text Timestamp Image
Andre V message Thanks, Andre V! I I Thanks for the WAN show Timestamp
Andrew R message Thanks, Andrew R! 1 I now own Timestamp
Long C message Thanks, Long C! Been a fan since the mineral oil PC day. Your channel is the reason I came to Canada for uni and now have a career in the FPGA industry. What you are doing is life-changing. Want to get the ORCA package for Timestamp
digidude512 message Thanks, digidude512! Error 404: Stream Not Found Timestamp
Ronald C message Thanks, Ronald C! I'm currently running an intel i9 9900k with a 3090. I'm using the Samsung Odyssey g9 neo. Great monitor thanks for the review on it % btw. Would there be any benefit to upgrading to a 13th gen Intel or zen Timestamp
Ronald C reply Reply @Ronald C! Try posting in the ‘New Builds and Planning' section of our forum! Timestamp
null message Thanks as always for the I Timestamp
Mike D message Thanks, Mike D! m Hi Linus and Luke, and whoever is producing this week! Quick question: how can someone submit a video idea that may take more than the 255 characters available in a merch message? Thanks as always for the Timestamp
Mike D reply Reply @Mike D! We recommend posting video ideas in the 'Video Suggestion’ section of our forum! Timestamp
Zachary 0 message Thanks, Zachary 0! Speaking of spam, please let people know Youtube bots now steal comments and upvote one another to get to the top. I dont think people are aware of this, I see people interacting with the bots a lot, Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! &' When talking about LTT en Espariol, you said an English transcript is reviewed by your team. Could that be uploaded as subtitles? YouTube's auto-generated captions leave much to be desired. Thanks! Timestamp
Lucas M message Thanks, Lucas M! Got my backpack a while ago and loving it. Any updates on the replacement carabiner zipper pulls? Are you going with the monopiece one you showed off on a past WAN show? Timestamp
Lucas M reply Reply @Lucas M! Always trying to get it out as soon as possible. Timestamp
Ruilin L message Thanks, Ruilin L! Hi Linus and Luke, are we seeing the decline of Cherry with mature competitions in both budget and premium switches market? Timestamp
Ruilin L reply Reply @Ruilin L! Probably lots of other very interesting choices. It's a fashion thing at this point. Timestamp
Timothy G message Thanks, Timothy G! Hi, been a viewer since Ryzen 3000 series launched and watched your review in building my current PC. I have been interested in getting a backpack but the inside color poses an issue. Are you planning on a Timestamp
Timothy G reply Reply @Timothy G! Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! Timestamp
Antti T message Thanks, Antti T! Stocking up for backpack. Could you make a fab tour to the Beneq (ALD fab) and muRata. That would be interesting to see? Timestamp
Aaron H message Thanks, Aaron H! &4 Problem: it's getting cold out and my hands are cold while I game. Solution (video idea): water cooled PC where the radiator heats the keyboard. Timestamp
Aaron H reply Reply @Aaron H! We actually did a desk radiator video! Check it out. Timestamp
Kyle K message Thanks, Kyle K! m Can you give an update on the Windbreaker/jacket you've shown off previously? Really in need of a new jacket, and wondering roughly how long I would need to wait. Timestamp
Damien D message Thanks, Damien D! Hi Linus, You made a video this week about Graphic Card FPS Value but didn’t add a dollar value because it changes. Would a lab page where you can add your local dollar values to compare be an option? Timestamp
Damien D reply Reply @Damien D! Feel free to send an email that can be found on our YouTube page! Timestamp
Doug R message Thanks, Doug R! What are your thoughts on ChatGPT ( How would you find it usefulin you or your coworkers line of work? Timestamp
Doug R reply Reply @Doug R! Linus and Luke have answered this before, check out our channel LMG Clips! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hello from Malaysia. Buying a water bottle for my Christmas. As I'm in a country where almost everyone plays badminton, I'm curious will Linus participate in a badminton tournament? Timestamp
stevo s message Thanks, stevo s! Dear Luke and Linus, I would like to challenge you to a super saiyan transformational shouting contest on stage at LTX. Do you accept? Timestamp
Frederik H message Thanks, Frederik H! What is your stance on the difference between the phrases "Al" and “Machine Learning"? Saw you use the phrase Al upscaling in your most recent short. Shouldn't it be “machine learning"? Fan since 2014 Timestamp
Frederik H reply Reply @Frederik H! Linus hates the phrase Al, when really all it's doing is machine learning. So hopefully we'll start catching that more often. Timestamp
SgtKillgore96 message Thanks, SgtKillgore96! m Any chance you'd review products popular in foreign markets like Latin America? I wanna see your opinion on the RX 6600Ms being converted into desktop cards being sold on AliExpress. Timestamp
Rufus M message Thanks, Rufus M! Hi, Have you heard of the IFl sitrep? I think the ed-robotics community would appreciate you covering it as no one with reach has. We've posted info on the sponsor complaints forum with Sveeno. Than Timestamp
Rufus M reply Reply @Rufus M! We have, and we're working towards something hopefully. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I've noticed you guys reference Star Citizen sparingly and was curious how you guys feel about the tech/tools that the game is trying to introduce. Is there tech elsewhere that's more exciting to you (unreal 5 Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! - Both SC and UES are great, but hopefully we can just get good games at one point. Timestamp
Maarten v message Thanks, Maarten v! Ha! I'm Dutch, came back from a party and wanted to shoutout since this is the only time I'll be able to do a merch message. I have ordered multiple times, so this is an investment until my next one:) Timestamp
Maarten v reply Reply @Maarten v! Thank you party person! Timestamp
Haden M message Thanks, Haden M! I'm a long time Merch Messager, first time watcher! In the Flex Monitor I video you guys talked about how useful "flexibility is" while showing Plouffe in a SL Chair. My biggest problem with SL chairs is the arms Timestamp
James W message Thanks, James W! b I put my last lab report title into chatGPT and it spewed out a surprisingly accurate complete lab report which passed plagiarism tests. I then put my actual lab report in its entirety into it and asked for Timestamp
Erin P message Thanks, Erin P! What's your input on the discourse around machine-learning generated artwork? There's a ton of worry in the artist community because of the way art has been stolen to train these services to make Timestamp
Kamal G message Thanks, Kamal G! What would be the best way to reach out to you about a YouTube related investment? I think there are projects that make sense within the rules set. Timestamp
Kamal G reply Reply @Kamal G! ] Standard emails on our website. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I'm a PhD student in a nuclear physics lab with an advisor who likes to save money and I'm wondering if you've found suitable alternatives to, e.g. spending $10k on a 2 channel HV card or a digitizer from Caen for Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! I may reach out to LABS directly about this. Timestamp
CalG message Thanks, CalG! This is my first purchase from! What do you think of the legalities around chatgpt? Can you use it as your own work? Timestamp
Cal G reply Reply @Cal G! We might be implementing it as an aid. Timestamp
Carl S message Thanks, Carl S! Wondering if LTT would be interested in my OCZ Cryo-Z Phase Change Cooler? Timestamp
Carl S reply Reply @Carl S! ) Send us an email! Timestamp
Christian J message Thanks, Christian J! The issue with only talking about resolution in terms of pixel density is knowing totallpixel count when trying to drive a display for gaming or others. Having monitors advertised with both the absolute and PPI Timestamp
Amanda H message Thanks, Amanda H! @ If ChatGPT is able to refine basic code, do you think future iterations could/would talk to another instance of itself and refine its own source code or build new bots/Al? What could stop them? Timestamp
Amanda H reply Reply @Amanda H! That's called a recursive neural network. At some point we'll have them rewriting themselves. Deciding its own reward weights. etc. etc. Then it's over. Timestamp
Jonathan Al message Thanks, Jonathan Al Hi Linus. I was wondering, I saw you counting with your fingers and was curious, is the way you do three because you know sign language? Also, Datto (Destiny streamer) collab when? Timestamp
Toran A message Thanks, Toran A! @ Have you considered an LTT Labs Certification for specific product lines? Like something to use in place of the USB naming that is taylor- made for consumers. Seems like you guys have the know-how. Timestamp
Toran A reply Reply @Toran A! Thinking about it! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I I Anyplans to make (or suggestions if a good one already exists) for a I power strip for a desk setup? It's difficult finding ones with USB-A, C, = and have enough well-spaced sockets. Timestamp
John T message Thanks, John T! Hey Linus I was going to buy a LTT screwdriver for my dad this year, but he ended up dying from cancer related complications. Thank you for making such an amazing thing my dad could get excited about. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Do you have any holiday activities or foods you're really looking forward to this year? Timestamp
Brett W message Thanks, Brett W! I've been watching you for years, and probably have learned 90% of what I know from LMG, anyways, I was wondering if you guys were ever thinking of making a playlist for non techy people to start learning Timestamp
Brett W reply Reply @Brett W! The build guide is a monster of a video getting people up to speed and helping them build a computer. Otherwise it's quite a broad and difficult topic. Timestamp
Gregory M message Thanks, Gregory M! ’ Thoughts on a LTT Motherboard Duvet? It could have a space to put CPU pillow, and a place to lay LLT Ram Scarfs! Make it happen! Timestamp
Maarten v message Thanks, Maarten v! m Ha, kinda disappointed to see my first merch message met with “thank you party person', ‘cause I'm not, just awake after a party by chance.. But still, have a nice one anyway, still enjoy the show :)! Timestamp
Maarten v reply Reply @Maarten v! Apologies! Was just meant in jest. Really though, thank you so much for catching the show and sending out a late night message. <3 Timestamp
Thomas K message Thanks, Thomas K! &' With your latest House Problems. Do you have any experience with Zigbee and would you consider a Video about the different Smart home standards. Timestamp
Eric P message Thanks, Eric P! Thank you for the content! Have a Windows bases NAS. How terrifying will it be to move to something more flexible WRT drive sizes and adding new drives to the pool... Will I have to start from scratch? Timestamp
Eric P reply Reply @Eric P! Starting from scratch is best imho. But if you don't want to you're going to be digging into tutorials or our forum. Timestamp
blayne s message Thanks, blayne s! hello just picked up the techquickie colour block hoodie Timestamp
Mike v message Thanks, Mike v! My boyfriend better like this. Timestamp
Jesse D message Thanks, Jesse D! My dog farts like a person. I just thought you should know. Timestamp
Jesse D reply Reply @Jesse D! ) Knowledge. Timestamp
Erik H message Thanks, Erik H! Hi Luke and Linus, I wanted to ask if you guys have any recommendations for a monitor desk mount or wall mount. And Do you think the screwdriver/backpack will be in the lttstorenotcom at Lltx? Timestamp
Erik H reply Reply @Erik H! Try posting in the 'New Builds and Planning' section of our forum! But yes we're going to have actual stock at the nonline not store dot com. Timestamp
Karl C message Thanks, Karl C! Keep up all the great work and content! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! What steps will be taken at LTX to protect personal property at the BYOC? I'm excited to explore the expo, but noticed you can fit quite a few GPUs in an LTT backpack. Is it all honor based? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Full security detail is still being designed. There will be security, tags, cameras, and the area is only accessible to BYOC ticket holders. Timestamp
Gail P message Thanks, Gail P! Any update on the magnetic attachments for power strips that you showed in the Lab BTS video and the video featuring cable management in your home (I think it was the video sponsored by Timestamp
William M message Thanks, William M! Hi guys, first time commenting, i have watch you guys since 2012 the old days back in the house on and off. You guys think we can buy an 7900 xtx at msrp in january. I have seen some at amazon almost at Timestamp
Shiloh S message Thanks, Shiloh S! Hello Linus and Luke, love the lightweight hoodies you guys make, sad I can't get shoelaces to match. I do have a question though, are you guys B still working on a black deskpad or other designs for them? Any ETA? Timestamp
Shiloh S reply Reply @Shiloh S! Quite a few new designs in the works! Timestamp
Caleb F message Thanks, Caleb F! Hey Guys, nice to tune in to the show live for once. I've been having GPU/black screen crash issues and am looking into an RMA, anything I should keep in mind or try before going through with the process? Timestamp
Cameron R message Thanks, Cameron R! I iwant something integrated to a windows filesystem like one drive is, “ do you know if that exists in a diy fashion? Timestamp
Cameron R reply Reply @Cameron R! SyncThing Timestamp
Titus S message Thanks, Titus S! hehe back paq:3 Timestamp

Whenplane and the Whenplane Merch Messages Index is not affiliated with or endorsed by Linus Media Group.