USB Branding Changed Again...

September 30, 2022

Merch Messages

Hint: Use CTRL + F to search messages in this show, or go back to search merch messages in all shows.
Name Type Text Timestamp Image
Kevin W message Thanks, Kevin W! I was wondering if you ever want to talk about CEPH in a video. Playing around with the erasure coding and self-healing abilities, unplugging nodes, losing an 0SD, I bet this can be entertaining, especially Timestamp
Kevin W reply Reply @Kevin W! Sounds like some super interesting content. I'd probably make a suggestion about that on the LTT forum! Timestamp
David R message Thanks, David R! WillAMD have better $ to FPS in Flight Sim 2020 with new GPUs vs Nvidia ($$%%) and Intel (farts out frames)? e T LW\ WO ATE = Timestamp
David R reply Reply @David R! Comparison coming out soon! Super exciting. » L gy L WA\ AT = Timestamp
Andrew G message Thanks, Andrew G! Looking forward to seeing how the new Intel GPUs stack up on the low end. Are there any plans to test it both with and without an Intel CPU to see what the differences would be either now or once 13th gen is Timestamp
Andrew G reply Reply @Andrew G! Oh yeah we're giving them the full shake down. g B et WA NN Wo APrZ T L Timestamp
jordan b message Thanks, jordan b! Vanessa will you Marry me? _w :‘. I & W "N.’J'.\:’&'lf‘{'p R L Timestamp
Sean P message Thanks, Sean P! m Happy Friday! Linus I was curious how you organized your new house renovation. Did you decide to use a remodeling/renovation company? Any regrets or things you wish you did differently. Cheers :) W AU T WA VL TR I @ e B Timestamp
Sean P reply Reply @Sean P! Most of that was handled by Linus and Yvonne themselves! [T R el Y SRS - e T sy W Timestamp
Nayaz H message Thanks, Nayaz H! Please express some love for Quebec's viewers! Timestamp
Gregory S message Thanks, Gregory S! Hey guys, hopefully building my first custom PC soon. Planning on using it mostly for gaming (specifically VR) and some app/web = development. With all the new stuff coming out right now I'm having Timestamp
Gregory S reply Reply @Gregory S! Try posting in the "New Builds and Planning" section of our forum! Timestamp
Alexander W message Thanks, Alexander W! Hello Luke and Linus, first time buyer first time caller. I was wondering if you can address the fact that the 4080 12GB is a cut down version of the 4080 16GB. The 4080 12GB has 7,680 cores while the 16GB has I SRS SRR R TS TR IS g, T SO S —— Timestamp
Alexander W reply Reply @Alexander W! Oh yeah we'll certainly be covering a lot of that when the embargos lift. Timestamp
Carig F message Thanks, Carig F! # Who prepared more for the Fight, between Linus and Dennis? Timestamp
Carig F reply Reply @Carig F! ) Pretty sure Linus has been training to beat up his employees his whole life. Timestamp
null message Thanks LTT! Timestamp
kyle F message Thanks, kyle F Il“gg Thanks LTT! Timestamp
Robin L message Thanks, Robin L! Hey Dan! How's your week going? Timestamp
Deepak M message Thanks, Deepak M! hack the planet! Timestamp
Ryland N message Thanks, Ryland N! Are you interested at all in branching into tech adjacent topics like wildlife photography, ebikes, or fitness devices? Timestamp
Ryland N reply Reply @Ryland N! Certainly always good to diversify, but we'll basically cross those bridges when we get there. Right now the focus is Labs. Timestamp
Zack P message Thanks, Zack P! Hey guy! You mentioned that y'all had sock in the works but was having issues with meeting your standards. Are there any updates Timestamp
Zack P reply Reply @Zack P! Not to sure. I'd shoot Nick Light a message on twitter. @NickLMG during the week! Timestamp
Paul-Jose S message Thanks, Paul-Jose S! N > Linus and Luke, has ltt considered doing more car reviews as the market is being flooded with electric cars? I do believe my first brand new car will be electric but each car seems to have big perks and big Timestamp
Paul-Jose S reply Reply @Paul-Jose S! We certainly fit them in when we get them! Timestamp
steve p message Thanks, steve p! I I I Haveany plans for high power RF EMC testing for labs with the anechoic chamber? Might be interesting to see how various products w# = withstand high power microwave. Timestamp
steve p reply Reply @steve p! I think that might be in the works. We'll just have to wait and see. Timestamp
Johnathan R message Thanks, Johnathan R! Yall should do a video redoing the WAN setup like a few years ago! Are y'all still using the Boutique, leather Server Rack? Timestamp
Johnathan R reply Reply @Johnathan R! Yeah this set is a mess. I'd love to spend some real time with it. Timestamp
Zane W message Thanks, Zane W! +; Even with all these fancy 2022 launches, I still don't feel the need to . upgrade my i5 4590 and GTX 970. They still do everything I need. TR . e o T YW WA T THEY AW e B Timestamp
Nicholas H message Thanks, Nicholas H! The water bottle slideshow on homepage does not list the 640z bottle P (T WU R S R P T e ol oF S e Timestamp
Matthew V message Thanks, Matthew V! Time to complete the set! T o "Na T AU R UMYY ) ST P SR — Timestamp
Cameron M message Thanks, Cameron M! Since I am getting a refund on my single Stadia purchase, you can have more of my money! Google claims the Stadia tech will be usefulin some of their other projects, how do you think this particular tech Timestamp
Cameron M reply Reply @Cameron M! Might be useful for their Cloud compute systems. I'm pretty sure the tech already existed beforehand in some form. BRRTE N W I D AT NE = Timestamp
Hursh S message Thanks, Hursh S! Hey Sinus and Luke, I was wondering whether there will ever be another scrapyard wars in the future? Timestamp
David K message Thanks, David K! What's up Boyz. What is the story behind getting your first ever PCs? RNV AC7E "o WD Timestamp
James K message Thanks, James K! @Luke you level 80 yet brosef? If not should have taken the week off like the rest of us wow wrath nerds! Maybe the screwdriver will help level my engineering... and fix the server queues. WA\ WO ACTSE = v Timestamp
marxyfen message Thanks, marxyfen! did the r7 7700x do the 95 degree thing while gaming at all?, willa coolermaster ml240L v2 be enough for 90% of its potential at least? Timestamp
marxyfen reply Reply @marxyfen! I think that will be coming out in future reviews. WA NWe WrRZ . > Timestamp
Tomasz Al message Thanks, Tomasz Al You guys are awesome! Always making me want to upgrade my PC XD Love All the LTT Store merch and can't wait to get my screwdriver :) Good Fortune to all of you and all the best! WA\ W PSS T L Timestamp
Tessa B message Thanks, Tessa B! Linus! Luke! Been watching LTT since the days of the house kitchen. You inspired me to get a carrier in IT and it was a life changer. Thank you so much for doing what you do. Timestamp
Nick O message Thanks, Nick O! Can't wait for the screwdriver to arrive! Thoughts on making some flush cuts and/or small needle nose pliers? I can't tell you how many of those I've gone through, even with top reputable brands. Timestamp
Nick O reply Reply @Nick O! Might be a great question for the LTT forum. I'd also like to know. I think getting a pair you like and something to sharpen them seems the way to go. P =" D W RN OO ALY Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! - m I u Would you guys be interested in benchmarking Intel ARC on Linux? Timestamp
Alexander D message Thanks, Alexander D! Hi, i was wondering if you think dual gpu's might ever come back for vr with it's one screen per eye. Also, if you ever made a mouse, I would gladly buy with every other mouse company using cheap switches and VO RN = L W Timestamp
Beck P message Thanks, Beck P! I've watched for many years, look forward to checking this thing out for myself #itsascrewdriver Timestamp
Daniel B message Thanks, Daniel B! I want to send you guys my server kit upgrade, but I have not received any reply's to my email. It's all cnc machined! I have been watching your vids for years. I have also sent before our cnc machined vise Timestamp
John U message Thanks, John U! Hi Linus and Luke. I know labs is underway but do you plan on doing TVs and sound bars, if so how do you think you will be able to compete to RTINGs? Timestamp
John U reply Reply @John U! Certainly setting ourselves apart. I think there's room for multiple. Timestamp
Seth H message Thanks, Seth H! Just got my first paycheck. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Y Going to need this giant water bottle for the inevitable "water" drinking M game with all the LTT Screwdriver reviews. Has anyone already made that playlist? Please post in chat. Timestamp
Matthew M message Thanks, Matthew M! MI Will you be making a video, or maybe even a Floatplane exclusive with the content you got from calling into your help desk a couple weeks ago? LMG you are all the best!! Timestamp
shadowedember message Thanks, shadowedember! il I B o e — — Timestamp
shadowedember message Thanks, shadowedember! [ e IS ek i - = S BEL AR W B AL V rady SAEERD o L S— Timestamp
Sean D message Thanks, Sean D! m I use an AlO for CPU, and air for GPU, but I want to do an open loop but am a bit intimidated. Are there any rads that have a built in pump/res combo with quick connects to easily create an open loop? LIRS e i e T AE W WD AT ¥ ady SLAEY 7 Timestamp
MICHAEL m message Thanks, MICHAEL m! I use Google pay all the time. Great if you leave your card at home accidentally. Is there an update on the backpack? SRLTEAEA LW NN AT = Timestamp
MICHAEL m reply Reply @MICHAEL m! s Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! W IEWNILTO ATIE = L b Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! t4 HiLuke and Linus! Do you have plans to use the Lab to find the best consumer 10GB switches and routers? W AraZ " L w e Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! I think networking gear is on the table. Very excited about that. Probably not the focus on the outset. Timestamp
Noah K message Thanks, Noah K! Love the show and supporting you guys! W NNITLTO ATV E = e Timestamp
Stephen C message Thanks, Stephen C! ¢ ~ I What is your favorite proprietary screw type, mine is the Nintendo tri- wing Timestamp
Stephen C reply Reply @Stephen C! Those horrific ones with the tiny peg in the middle. RS - L e T Y W Wt Yk AT T PR— Timestamp
Paul M message Thanks, Paul M! What happened to the Oura Ring video Timestamp
Tyler D message Thanks, Tyler D! Just buying to support the channel, ps I hope yall higher me as a developer one day:) bought to have my CS degree:P Timestamp
Subhan H message Thanks, Subhan H! First time catching the show live at 3:30am here in London! Thought I'd make a website for helping with USB standards and was wondering if you had any thoughts? (not finished yet) Timestamp
Subhan H reply Reply @Subhan H! Oh man! Some sort of system to figure out what cable is capable of and how to test. That sounds super useful. - B 00 I Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Stadia Engineer here. All I can say is we tried our best. DR - e T Y W WA VA (AR T e Timestamp
Kevin D message Thanks, Kevin D! Hi guys love the show and am so excited to get my special black shaft screwdriver! My question for you is I've been in the market a UPS fora === long time now (yes I know shame on me) and I was wondering if you WA N W AreE " L Timestamp
Kevin D reply Reply @Kevin D! Fantastic idea. Feel free to send an email that can be found on our YouTube page! L WA W el L a Timestamp
David B message Thanks, David B! Hi Linus & Luke! Medium time watcher, first time caller here. Just wanted to say thank you for all you do! WA I W AR T Timestamp
Justin S message Thanks, Justin S! YEEEET I LOVE THESE CABLE TIES W WO RV NE - L s Timestamp
Ajae D message Thanks, Ajae D! 1 MS365 is forced at work and is honestly great. Does LMG have 1 standardized apps or do you just let people do what they think is best? e AT AW WM R N - L A Timestamp
Ajae D reply Reply @Ajae D! Mostly have standard tools and then people can go off and do their own things if they require it. B R U By N - L A Timestamp
Rulon 0 message Thanks, Rulon 0! Google won't update Stadia, but will LMG update their Minecraft server? Everyone go play Minecraft. PN = WL ULIE SR T S U TS TR R o, T PSS . Timestamp
Jordan H message Thanks, Jordan H! G'day mate, Since the Optus “hack’”, millions of Australian's passport/license and bank account data was stolen. The government is drafting legislation to hold networks accountable with fines over - TR . N a T AU R LAY TR T e e Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Love the merch so picking up more. Curious if you have any suggestions on how to screen mirror a pixel 6 to a TV without wifi? I can't seem to find a solution. SRS Y e T Y W WA VA TR ST ww - Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Oh yeah probably gotta be wifi. Might be a good post on our forum! Timestamp
Dylan B message Thanks, Dylan B! First time catching wan live from the beginning pretty happy about that. Curious if you guys have tried the Secretlab Magnus Pro desk at all, I'm looking at getting a standing desk and that one was interesting S S S— Timestamp
Dylan B reply Reply @Dylan B! I think we have a video coming out on it soon! Timestamp
Eli K message Thanks, Eli K! Hi Linus & Luke! Was planning on buying a 4070 for my birthday when it comes out but given the 4080 12gb being a 4070, should I rethink? should I a) get a 30xx, b) get 4070, c) wait for rdna3? or smth I didnt Timestamp
ELi K reply Reply @ELi K! Certainly wait a minute for specs and better testing to come out. But I'd ask some questions on the LTT Forum. Timestamp
Rashid A message Thanks, Rashid A! Are you going to restock the size small, mid-length stealth sweatpants? Timestamp
Rashid A reply Reply @Rashid A! Things will hopefully be back in stock soon. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey Linus and Luke was wondering if you guys saw the new Pokemon games (Scarlet & Violet) were open world and what you thought about them? Keep up the great work! Timestamp
Ella W message Thanks, Ella W! Once labs finally open will the other writers such as Anthony and James move over there, and will they be considered part of lab? Timestamp
Ella W reply Reply @Ella W! All of our writers are moving over there, but the Labs are kind of a both their own thing and assistance to the writers. Think of them as a new skill that writers can pull from. Timestamp
Alex C message Thanks, Alex C! l Linus - Long time viewer here. Any chance you'll ever come out with pull over hoodies? Also, I saw you and Dennis walking the floor at CES many years ago. Great to see how big the channels gotten over the e Y e T YT WRLART A TR IR g - Timestamp
Alex C reply Reply @Alex C! Products are always being discussed. Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! - T e T W R UMY LU TN O S A Timestamp
daniel a message Thanks, daniel a! please consider hiring someone to review ltt en espanol videos, some jokes o meanings could easily get lost in translation W A Y Timestamp
Matthew M message Thanks, Matthew M! Why haven't game developers really started to utilize multi core cpus such as 8 cores? B NIRRT MTNE = L e Timestamp
Matthew M reply Reply @Matthew M! core Multi is programming many threads hard. for DN ATV E = L Timestamp
Mike S message Thanks, Mike S! Looking forward to being able to order a backpack along with other Timestamp
mark s message Thanks, mark s! ; Hey guys! Fun note on Linus not understanding vinyl from one of the last intel upgrades, most vinyls are actually slightly sped up to sound brighter to give the illusion of sounding better, been a thing for literal WA W AP T Timestamp
Tynan D message Thanks, Tynan D! m I live in Aus, and while I understand you can't do anything about shipping, 1big order > 2 small orders, but I can't really do this because this is always something out of stock. Any chance we will get a Timestamp
Tynan D reply Reply @Tynan D! Might be a good question for Nick. Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! AR, B W SRSCS NS P s, S ) Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I was recently laid off from Best Buy last month after 7years, and just got my dream job at a small company in less then a month!!! Gonna need some new gear for flying around the country now and couldnt T L WL SRR T TS T e (Ll e Timestamp
Benjamin C message Thanks, Benjamin C! m Hi guys, would you consider going into more activewear on It was my understanding that Linus wanted to basically only wear LTT products and since he plays badminton a lot it might DR - L wma T U W WD AL Yk AT A TIE R M— Timestamp
Farrell J message Thanks, Farrell J! With Google shutting down stadia, I need to find a new way to game. I want a gaming PC but don't want to build from scratch. Are there any decent prebuilds that are decently upgradeable? R - I — Timestamp
Farrell J reply Reply @Farrell J! Would be a fantastic question for the LTT Forum. Lots of awesome people there could help you find something that fits your needs. Timestamp
Jarrod H message Thanks, Jarrod H! Hey Linus and Luke, good content as always. Have you ever considered an LTT Desk Organiser? Timestamp
Tom V message Thanks, Tom V! Hey Linus, given your experience in reviewing and daily driving both Android and Apple phones, what do you think about the differences in security between the two platforms? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi! l am wanting to build a PC. But I already have a great gaming laptop. Just wanting to get the hands-on experience. Do you guys have some ideas of what budget I should use. (I am okay to pay up to around 1000 Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! If it's just for funzies. I'd grab something used or donated. If not, hit up LTT Forum for better input. Timestamp
Steve B message Thanks, Steve B! m-.- L 1 Adam and Waylon in Ontario P Y Hi Guys! I bought your massive bottle!! And more lanyards :) from Steve Timestamp
Steve B message Thanks, Steve B! fi‘ I' E Hi Guys! I bought your massive bottle!! And more lanyards :) from Steve Adam and Waylon in Ontario WA\ AC7E =" D Timestamp
Andrew L message Thanks, Andrew L! The LTT Team is my daily energy! You guys are awesome and we love you all! Keep doing great things. I am going to love my new LTT Water Bottle:) XU &4 TN STy L Timestamp
Kris H message Thanks, Kris H! Ever need some super knowledgeable Dell Datacenter information I got it!! Timestamp
Kris H reply Reply @Kris H! Hell yeah! AR LW RN BT NE = L A Timestamp
Jack F message Thanks, Jack F! Hi LTT, I think an interesting topic would be the disappearance of a focus on daisychaining Displayport monitors. Obviously the bandwidth is there, and it can be done via USB-C. Curious to see what you think. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Now that chip shortage is going technically back to normal, I would like to know if you guys have any idea on why PS5s still scarce... Timestamp
Saxon H message Thanks, Saxon H! Hoi Loinas! You've said before about having users who want to skip sponsored spots land in the intro, but I've seen some vids without intros recently. What's your thoughts on that? No hate--curious! Timestamp
Brandon R message Thanks, Brandon R! New lab name idea: Trust Me Bro Labs Timestamp
Jonathan T message Thanks, Jonathan T! What do you think about Tesla’s Al bot Optimus? Timestamp
Jonathan T reply Reply @Jonathan T! Why Tesla. WHy, Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I was just buying this, had no idea they were streaming. hello everyone. LR B\ W Arel =" D Timestamp
Chris E message Thanks, Chris E! Hey guys, loving the waterbottles I bought. Sadly my 400z fell off my table at work onto concrete and shattered the hinge. Any plans for metal lids ? Timestamp
Chris E reply Reply @Chris E! Might be an awesome idea. Try messaging @NickLMG on Twitter during the week! Timestamp
Ryan S message Thanks, Ryan S! Hi Luke and Linus, I'm looking for a second monitor for the first time. I'm happy with my 27" that I have as my main and I was wondering if either of you would have setup suggestions. (Relative size, orientation, etc.) Timestamp
Ryan M message Thanks, Ryan M! “.-‘;’ ~ lust like the preservation of games, how do you feel about shows like ‘U ggg Final Space that are Thanos snapped from all future and existing Ll =4 streaming for tax write offs by their distributor? Not all seasons had a Timestamp
Ryan M reply Reply @Ryan M! SICKENING Timestamp
Darren W message Thanks, Darren W! m Hi Guys, I made this purchase just to get this message to you. I've come up with an awesome real world name for the 12gb 4080. The "RTX 4080 Li (e) Who needs those Nvidia sponsor dollars anyway with Timestamp
Darren W reply Reply @Darren W! 4000 series Lithium. Explodes when it gets wet. Timestamp
Jeremy J message Thanks, Jeremy J! Linus - Is there going to be more videos with Yvonne? The 2 in 1 comp video was amazing and she seriously brings the best of you out! Thanks! Stay cool! Timestamp
leremy J reply Reply @leremy J! She always pops in when a video fits for her and she has time. It's hard managing a whole company, and also Linus. Timestamp
Joshua S message Thanks, Joshua S! Linus, as a big fan of mobile gaming, have yall ever considered creating your own mobile console? Also, if you could advance an entertainment technology 100 years over night, what would you choose? SRS . N a T YT R T A TR IR e PR Timestamp
Mattias W message Thanks, Mattias W! I'm making a PC with custom copper water cooling loop that also acts as part of the case - I'm a little terrified of potentially having to ship it with the friction fit fittings, and the weight of the GPU. have you run Timestamp
Mattias W reply Reply @Mattias W! Certainly gotta drain it at a minimum. Timestamp
Ace A message Thanks, Ace A! I was really excited for Project Ara before google killed it, do you think modular phones have a future? does Framework have a a modular mobile device planned? Timestamp
Ace A reply Reply @Ace A! Linus can't really talk about background stuff in Framework due to ~legalities~ Timestamp
Shawn-Michael W message Thanks, Shawn-Michael W! EKWB just released a 4-in-1CPU waterblock/pump/res/heatsink. Any plans for an SFF build with this? I'm curious how well it works and how small a watercooled PC you could make. PS, I loved your 2 ITX PCs in 1 Timestamp
Shawn-Michael W reply Reply @Shawn-Michael W! I think we're getting that one. Super excited. Timestamp
Keenan J message Thanks, Keenan J! I hope this thing is a dope is it sounds. Timestamp
Keenan J reply Reply @Keenan J! Oh man, it really is. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! 113 Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! In the past, you guys have discussed different little known internet related things on different channels. Have you considered doing a video discussing the Usenet? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! We recommend posting video ideas in the "Video Suggestion” section of our forum! Timestamp
Lance M message Thanks, Lance M! . Was the fight with Dennis cathartic at all? - A . me T AU RULAMT A THEY IR g e Bl Timestamp
Justin G message Thanks, Justin G! - Hi, I know you've covered the raspberry pi before but would consider il making videos on more DIY tech, things like pi projects or more game console modifications, or even computer hardware modifications? P i e e—— Timestamp
Justin G reply Reply @Justin G! I think there is room for us to make a channel more focused on this area of tech, but not on LTT. Too niche...:( -LS Timestamp
Keaton W message Thanks, Keaton W! Hey Linus and Luke. Just wanted to see if there's any They're Just Movies merch in the tube at the moment. Asking for a friend... S W RS W s Timestamp
Keaton W reply Reply @Keaton W! not yet sorry :(-LS S WA\ AR =L A Timestamp
Andrew L message Thanks, Andrew L! §hide. Had to snag a desk pad too! Absolutely love the design it will look great on my desk. Any plans for a new T-shirt design soon Linus? - AJ Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Recently started my PhD in CS, you guys feed my enthusiasm for tech. Question for both - what's a product (hardware or software) that you really wanted to succeed but it didn't? Speaking as an old Windows Timestamp
James J message Thanks, James J! Hi Linus + Luke, been watching for almost 8 years, happy to finally join live. Can you guys do a video on a thunderbolt WFH setup with quick swap between PC + laptop? My current solution uses 1USB and 2 DP L mm— e w e S —— Timestamp
Zachary C message Thanks, Zachary C! Hey Linus, how are you enjoying the Sony HT-A9s you got for your living room? Timestamp
Francisco Aaron C message Thanks, Francisco Aaron C! For the lab, if money were not a concern, which area or segment of the industry you would like to evaluate/work on? R S e P o S — Timestamp
Eric J message Thanks, Eric J! Used to listen to WAN show during my overnight shifts at McDonalds. Thanks for making the nights go by faster! WO N Y N Y Timestamp
Eric J reply Reply @Eric J! happytodoit!:) -LS s WO ATANE = L Timestamp
Bryce S message Thanks, Bryce S! Went to buy something and didn't realize you were still streaming. Cheers! =P W R W NANIRTO AVOE = L e Timestamp
Cody W message Thanks, Cody W! Question for the group. Is there a book you would recommend or a book that changed your life in a significant way? WA\ A7V E = "o Timestamp
Jordan R message Thanks, Jordan R! I am an audio engineer. Something you may thing about trying is a two compressor setup with one thats a fast attack and release to catch n linus' peaks and another with a lower ratio thats slower to level it w N Timestamp
Jordan R reply Reply @Jordan R! Almost exactly what I have going yes! :D WA W ArSE - D Timestamp
Seren L message Thanks, Seren L! hi Linus has looked at several of the t-shirts that are sold on the website, the ones in 2xxl and 3xxxl, why aren't they available, I think they are nice but how about getting hold of more products for WwiIEAT W A2rZ " » Timestamp
Spencer K message Thanks, Spencer K! i Love the merch and am waiting for my ltt backpack. I wanted to ask do you think using the military/ government to pay for my cyber security training/ education is a valid and good path to getting into the field? - - e ——— Timestamp
Spencer K reply Reply @Spencer K! absolutely!!! -LS R S — Timestamp
Gabe G message Thanks, Gabe G! will we ever see more long term storage for the extra bits? Timestamp
Gabe G reply Reply @Gabe G! Yes, but we don't have an ETA Timestamp

Whenplane and the Whenplane Merch Messages Index is not affiliated with or endorsed by Linus Media Group.